March 2025 Update

It’s been a little while since I’ve gotten back to the website. Rest assured, I’m still working hard to get the various forms of Imperium media out to the world at large.

The TTRPG has gotten a major revamp after I realized that I had gotten a little too far into the weeds of complexity. While that would have been idea in the 1990s version of the game, I would actually like to be able to play my own game without needing to do a fair amount of bookkeeping. I would imagine others would appreciate that as well.

The basics are mostly done. Character generation, jobs, the core rules, combat, wounds, and recovery are all in a fairly good place. Magic, Breaching, Cyberonics, and Equipment need to have their stats completed. Vehicle combat, Crafting, and the Game Master Emulator section need the most work.

I’m debating on just how much lore/setting info to put into the game itself. Looking at my Obsidian database, it’s got almost as much info (word count) as the entire game. I don’t want to overload people, but I also don’t want to have the setting feel too thin either.

Speaking of my Obsidian database. I have had the internal database linked on the website (and password protected). I’m planning to make a better/public facing version of it and switch that out with the internal one. I’m hoping that doesn’t take up too much of my time. While I am interested in making that info public, I also need to clean up some sections which are full of my own “stream of consciousness” rambles about various things in the setting.

The novel has been on the back burner for longer than I’d like. I’m not planning on making any major changes to the current draft, with the exception of writing one more chapter to replace an info dump chapter. The story is all there, so even in its current state, it’s readable… maybe.

I have been adding a lot to the lore and setting over the past year. So I’m hoping to insert a fair amount more flavor into the novel in the next pass. The current draft is still almost entirely what I pulled from 25+ year old recollections. Plot and setting holes have been patched, but I realized that some of the concepts weren’t as solid as I’d like them to be.

In addition, I also altered a few characters and there are some unfortunate and confusing errors related to those changes.

Lastly, the sequel novel. I still have a fairly complete outline and some chapters finished. But I haven’t dived into the project fully. I also have a smattering of ideas for some short stories that take place in less grandiose narrative arcs. The setting of Imperium is quite large, and keeps getting larger. There is a lot to explore, which is barely touched on in either novel.

Ok, it’s past my bedtime. Catch you all later,
