
Calcinam is the capital city of Northern Bloc. Located on the island of Aracosa, southeast of the mainland port of Jamestown.


Highland is the sister city of Calcinam and former NB capital. In 2350 the city was engulfed in Flux energy, rendering it a twisted husk of its former self.

Corporate Park

The Corporate Park sits in the center of Calcinam. The seat of power for both the Northern Bloc government and the Corporations. It offers a slice of greenery and respite amidst the endless cityscape.


Jamestown is the primary mainland port of Northern Bloc. Located just to the northwest of Aracosa island, it handles all sea, air and space transport for the country.

Nordmauer Industries

The Northern Valley Complex of Nordmauer Industries (NMI) is located thousands of kilometers from the nearest major city. Filled with automated factories and research facilities, little is known about this region.


Ares is the current seat of human power in the galaxy. Each of the five major powers has territory on the planet. The other six star systems of the Core Worlds are similarly divided. Beyond these worlds, strife and shifting a balance of power is the norm.

Core Worlds

The Core Worlds (Demetus Cluster). A group of seven habitable systems in the Celarean Nebula. The current seat of humanity since the Collapse / the end of Second Galactic War.

αAres – The human capital world. All 5 major governments, all corporate headquarters and the Isylorian Order are based here.
βDelphor – A lush paradise world with high mountains. Agriculture and Tourism.
γKlement – A small dry world, rich in mineral resources. TASCOM Fleet Docks.
δAurios – A rocky fortress world. EBRIS launched the Consolidation Wars here.
εHeigarn – A hot and humid oceanic world. Biotech and Fusion Fuels.
ζItoria – A cold and dry world. Military Training and Manufacturing.
ηValguese – A young planet wracked by volcanism. Mining and Prisons.


The interstellar medium. We are currently limited to the Milky Way galaxy due to the complexities of transit mathematics.

The 4th Realm

The 4th Realm (sometimes called the Umbral Realm) is the “closest” inner realm to our own reality, appearing as a dull and hazy reflection of our familiar world. While physical barriers persist between reality and this place, structures can be altered within to create physically impossible arrangements.

The Hub

The strange realm known as the Hub sits at the “center” of the universe. Few have ventured to the endless grassy plain that lies “below” Hubspace. The peculiar location and physics of this realm allow for spacecraft to transit from any point in our galaxy to any other in mere moments.

Abyssal Realm

A pocket realm created to imprison the enemies of the divines.