May Update

I’ve been spending a lot of time on the database. So, I guess I have world builder’s disease. Oops.

That said, I think I’m rapidly approaching a point where I’ve hit on the majority of the main themes. Fleshing out minor details will be an ongoing process, but the primary structure is done (did I say that before?). I still have a to-do list, some of which is more difficult than others. There are things I’d like to “fix” which are not really important for the database itself (improving some of the map images). It is still an “internal” database, after all. Yes, I’m sharing it with the world, but it’s still just a collection of my notes and thoughts structured into a sort of knowledge base/wiki.

I’m fairly proud of the process I’ve made. To the point where I feel like it deserves its own update (again).


(and again, be kind to my baby)